“There is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.”
All services are available IN virtual FORMAT.
Social Identities 101
Understanding who we are is imperative to navigating our social justice journey. This workshop helps participants reflect on their identities, the history that comes with them, and how their lives have been constructed based on their socialization. We'll focus on these narratives and how they unconsciously impact how we interact with one another.
Unpacking Unconscious Bias
Being bias is not only exhibited overtly. We have been socialized to view ourselves and the world through a narrow lens. As a result, we have beliefs that impact every move we make. This workshop works with participants to understand the many ways bias shows up in our everyday lives through common phrases and actions.
Allyship is a Verb
"Allyship" is a term used often by many well-intentioned people. However, many of us do not understand the complexity of what allyship truly means and looks like. This workshop unpacks allyship development models and unpacks the steps needed to truly serve as an ally to underrepresented communities.
Building a Culture of Belonging in the Workplace
While many organizations have begun to understand the imperative of removing barriers for underrepresented groups, they still lack strategy for retaining members of these groups. Recruiting a more diverse workforce is only the beginning. Executives and front line managers must also think about the culture that exist within the organization. Is it a place where people of color, LGBTQIA+ people, trans people, and women will feel safe to show up authentically? This workshop unpacks what it means to be a place of belonging and strategies that companies can use beyond employee resource groups.
Responding to Bias in the Workplace
It is not enough to simply know that social inequality exists---what you do is what helps us move forward. This workshop helps participants move beyond awareness towards action. During this workshop participants are introduced to ways they can actively impact the world around them---either at work or at home--- by interrupting bias when they see it happening.
See Something, Do Something: An Interactive Workshop on Interrupting Bias
Due to an increased focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion—-more people are aware of unconscious bias and how it impacts the workplace. However, most people still feel unprepared to actually do anything about bias. This workshop provides concrete ways of responding to bias in a way that centers underrepresented groups.
Unpacking Bias in the Hiring Process
Workforce diversity is at the top of most organization’s to-do list. Improving the hiring process is critical to this effort, because it is the biggest obstacle for candidates from underrepresented backgrounds. This workshops unpacks why this is the case and strategies for mitigating this issue.
The Six Characteristics of an Inclusive Leader
Leaders play a critical role in creating the culture of belonging needed to build and retain diverse teams. This workshop unpacks the six characteristics of inclusive leadership and provides tangible actions any leader can take to exhibit those characteristics in their day-to-day work. This workshop is for anyone who is already in a leadership role and for those who aspire to a leadership position.
Diversity workshops are not like other company trainings. These trainings cover sensitive topics and require the ability to hold space for multiple people on very different parts of their journey towards understanding diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. This service helps you build your curriculum and assists with the training of your facilitators. We’ll cover topics such as, group dynamics, facilitation techniques, and the different types of participants that show up in a workshop. This service is great for organizations who are looking for sustainability in their diversity education program.
Train the Trainers
Training is great for building awareness, but it will not fix your organization’s diversity issues. Building equitable workplaces requires a deep dive into the organization’s policies, processes, marketing, product, and physical space to identify opportunities to increase equity and belonging for your entire workforce. This service is a longer relationship to conduct a belonging audit, design objectives and key results (OKRs), and determine the appropriate plan of action.